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Baptized in Christ: a new form of life began to circulate in our veins.

One of the concrete examples of the spirituality eudiste was the Servant of God, p. Rafael García Herreros. Heir of a spirituality of love, this priest of Cucuta (Colombia), spoke about the baptism in a quite deserving way of this sacrament: We were baptized in Christ. Our baptism is the judgment and the heaviest commitment of our life. We are submerged in Christ there. A new form of life began to circulate in our veins. Vital form of Son of God. A Son who lives on God's life, whom all contemplate as a new light, which is the faith. Let us look at the landscape of the world with son's eyes and not with eyes of the reason, or then with eyes of the worship and the faith. Let us look not with a ground look, but with a look of the hope that is of the one who thinks that here nothing is stable, but that we have to make quite for all eternity. And, finally, we are baptized in God's love. The authentic Christian has love only love of God and the next one, a divine point of view. So we should be. Men submerged in Christ, in the daytime and at night. There we receive a divine sap, there we take a sacred breath and we undertook a superhuman way; but our current life is far from being the one of the baptized. It is the one of a man simply. The agony, the effort, the seriousness of baptized life: where do they appear in us? The baptism was our biggest commitment. There we were submerged in Christ. There we begin to be an integral part of the infinite Son of God. There our life was transformed. What does our current life have of divine? Where is our silence of filial worship for our Father? Where he is our "Live on the faith" and our project of hope and charity, when we seem submerged in Christ? [1] [1] Rafael García Herreros, Morir resucitar idiot Cristo. Bogotá: Corporación Centro Carismático Minuto of Dios, on 2010, 176.

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