Inhabitant of Ri as witness...
Saint Jean Eudes was born on November 14th, 1601 in Ri, near Argentan in the department of the Orne. His parents who, to obtain a child had called upon the Virgin Mary, dedicated him to her from before the birth. Saint Jean Eudes has been baptized on Friday, November 16th, 1601 in the baptistry which still exists today (this baptistry must be restored). Since my childhood, I see pilgrims coming in Ri. Fr Leclerc, priest in Ri from 1944 till 1983 liked the eudist spirituality. Fr Leclerc through the lessons of catechism learnt me to discover and to love simply the life of Jesus, Mary and the saints. I welcome pilgrims and I am touched due to their happyness to arrive here in my village in the countryside, far from everything but I am particularly touched by the prayer so strong so internal, with tears sometimes. Pilgrims of 77 countries move to come to pray on the place of saint Jean Eudes's birth and around the baptistry. My three son Samuel, Xavier and Jean-Christophe were baptized in Ri by Fr Leclerc and my six granddaughters by Mgr Crepy; friend of the family, as all the family eudist. Sarah, my last granddaughter will soon be baptized, I hope. I like my village and its history. My dream would be that it becomes more beautiful, that the church is maintained, restored to thank those who move to come to pray in these holy places. I have no words enough to write the way i feel, simply thank you, you who participated so that the church is every day opened to welcome the most humble there with the only purpose of a prayer of hope of a better world.