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Saint Jean Eudes's baptism

On November 16th, 1601, saint Jean Eudes was baptized. He tells the details of this event in the Memorial of God's benefactions:

I was born the 14th of November of year 1601, one Wednesday; and I was baptized next Friday, in the evening, which was the beginning of Saturday; and there, Jean's name was given me by a godfather who was also called, and a godmother who was called Mary.(O.C. XII, 104).

The future theologian of the baptism (according to P. Torres) so spoke about his baptism. He contemplated the sacrament as a special grace of God. In his book which is also converts as a best-seller of all its work, Life and Kingdom of Jesus, assures that the Trinitarian presence in the baptism is fundamental for the formation of Jesus in the Heart. In his memorial, he is aware of this reality which arrives at the baptism:

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, etc. Gratias aeterno Patri,qui dedit Filio suo nomen quod est super omne nomen, ut in nomine Jesu omne genu flectatur,coelestium, terrestrium, et infernorum (O.C. XII, 105).

Saint Jean Eudes was in love with God and, with good reason! Indeed, he was aware since his youngest age of the importance which aroused the being Christian, to know God, and to be in inmost relation with him. He also made a movement which drew the attention " child, saint Jean Eudes made the vow of chastity to Marie and informed it in passing a ring of commitment Marie's statue " [1]. He does not deny these realities and on the contrary, they are opportunities to give thanks to God for his unspeakable gift. The baptism " as sacrament of the faith, introduces us into the life of the mystic body it is the new arrival, who returns us Made of God Father, member and brother of Jesus Christ, moved by the Spirit. " [2], reminds the P.Paul Milcent, quoting some of the fundamental themes of the French priest about the sacrament of the Christian initiation. From hipart Alvarro Torres from the information of the baptism as a contract with God assures that: " God asked me to compromise with me and make me son, to be always myself, for call me the son of the sky " [3]. That the memory of the Baptism helps us to submerge us in God's life, so that we gave up once the sin, attracting us completely towards it very Holy Trinity.

[1] Torres, Introducción, 10.

[2] P. Milcent, Saint Jean Eudes, París, 1964, 38.

[3] Torres, El proceso..., 95.

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