Fundación Eudes : the birth of a work
In the year 1988, the priest Eudista Bernardo Vergara Rodríguez does a visit to the Hospital God's San Juan in Bogota where he found maybe one of the first groups in Colombia through that they were living with the HIV / AIDS and demonstrated a conservative society that is crossing political / social moment where the State is diminishing of macro to mike, is the beginning of the neoliberalism, the system of health starts weakening, for the managing of a few public obsolete policies, the society is ignorant and it would not allow the strange thing, the rare(strange) thing or the diffuse thing, specially because the virus is tied to the taboo of the sexuality and to the fear that this one generates in the recognition of the body and, since The disease describes it and his Metaphors (Sontang, 2003) [1]
This description makes think about the historical situation about that arose the Foundation Eudes and how, definitively, the father Bernardo, doing ostentation his spirit Eudista he points at the love. Deservedly the founder declared: When you analyze wherefrom it sprouts the violence, one concludes that it goes out of this brought together one: the ignorance and the fear. The means sold the idea of the AIDS as a contagious, not transmissible, but contagious disease. This did that the people were causing a rift between her and was judging her. Because of it the AIDS is like a pendulum that moves of the hatred towards the love: they are extreme. From there we him point at the love and discover that really one presents positive HIV he is a human being with stamp of guarantee because this infection only is given to the human beings and from there one can say that it is not necessary to fight so much in favor of the human rights, but fight in favor of the right to be a human being and this to be something intimate and deep. Then the infection as HIV has a few connotations at the social level, to affective level and to sexual level. With the social load, with the religious load and with the scientific load also it conjugated and went to that the people were reacting since(as,like) it(he,she) reacted and the incomprehension was not made wait. The human being to what more it him is afraid is to his own body, to his affectibility, to his sexuality, to his tastes, to his way of seeing the life, and from there it starts discovering that one is what dreams. [2]
This work, deeply Eudista, is a concrete expression of called of san Juan Eudes: Three things are needed for the mercy: the first one is that it has pity of the misery of other one; because it is compassionate the one that takes in his heart the miseries of the wretches. The second one, which has a great will to help them in his miseries. The third one, which goes on from the will to the effect (O.C. VIII, 53). Today it is a foundation that serves passionately the human being and that discovers the God's compassionate face that calls constant to putting in service of the neediest.

[1] Darwin Jutinico, Análisis del discurso y prácticas de la Fundación Eudes. Bogotá: UNIMINUTO, 2014, 10.
[2] read more en: web