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The CJM: a Congregation of births

San Juan Eudes was the " marvel of his time ", as it was expressed by hiscontemporary Olier. Today, we can affirm that his spirituality has come out the borders and that his life, work and doctrine can inscribe him in the next years in the list of " Doctors of the Church ". Several religious Congregations inspired by the spirituality of the love were born to form Jesus in the hearts:

We speak about all those that shape the great Family Eudista, inspired by the father Eudes or by his three foundations: Order of Our Lady of the Charity, Congregation of Jesus and Maria and the Third Order. Among many we indicate others to:

the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts, been founded on Coutances in 1652 by J. Langlois and p. Du Pont; the Sisters of the Provindencia de Evreux, founded by J. Duvivier and p. Woman's faces in 1704; The Congregation of the Holy Spirit and of Maria's Immaculate Heart, founded by Claudio Francisco Poullart des Places in 1703 and Francisco Libermann in 1841; the Congregation of the Good Salvador, in Saint-Lô, by F. de Surville. and p. Héranbourg, in 1719; the Institute the Good Salvador, founded by A. Leroy and p. Creully in 1720; the Sisters of Holy Ana, the Sisters of san Francisco Javier; the Congregation of the Sacred Family Séez, by Maria Teresa Raguenel and p. Villeroy in 1804; The Congregation of the Daughters of Jesus and Maria in Saint Quay, for Teresa Auffray in 1821; the Congregation of the Hermanitas of the Poor, by holy Juana Jugan in 1839; Sisters of the Good Shepherd, by holy Maria Eufrasia in 1868, in Angers; the Daughters of the Compassionate Heart of Maria or Ladies of san Rafael, by the father Jose Dauphin and Blanca Frichot in 1891; the Guard of Honor of Maria Beçancon's Heart, for Sister Maria of holy Teresa Larcher, in 1912; the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, in Paramé, for Amelie Fristel in 1953; the Apostolic Confraternity of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Maria; the Faithful Siervas de Jesus, for the father Andrés Basset and Mercedes Ricaurte; the Missionary Institute san Juan Eudes, of the father Humberto Lugo, in 1998; the Siervas Eudistas of the Undécima Hora, by the Mother Antonia Brenner in 2003 in Tijuana; the Missionary Sisters of the Mercy, by monsignor Nicolás Bermúdez, p. Gerardo Tardiff and the sister Ana Maria, in 2004 and finally, the Partners Eudistas, fruit of the General Assembly of the CJM in the year 2007. These communities reflect the relevancy and permanency of the spirituality of san Juan Eudes in the time. In effect, Jesus' formation in the heart of the Christians is the " aim of the Church " (O.C. I, 272) and the most important task of all our life. Let's know these communities and let us impregnate of his spirituality and apostolate.

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